10 Healthy Foods
Good health is the most important thing to every human in this universe.Research has shown that the following food can help in enhancing good health.
Avocados are high in fiber, potassium, vitamin E, and magnesium
Avocados are high in healthy monounsaturated fat and
have a rich source of glutathione – a powerful antioxidant known to
block over 30 different carcinogens (a substance capable of causing
cancer in living tissue). Avocados are also one of the most
nutrient-dense foods; high in fiber, potassium, vitamin E, and
magnesium. Also, if you’re looking to banish wrinkles then stock up as
they are packed with antioxidants and good fats, which help in your
fight against the frown.
Garlic is top of the list of potential cancer-preventive foods.
Yes it might leave you with bad breath, but it’s a
small price to pay when garlic tops the National Cancer Institute’s list
as a potential cancer-preventive food. It is a powerful antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory food that protects against heart disease, reduces
blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels. It also has vitamins C and
B6, manganese, and selenium.
Blueberries are a potent antioxidant
These are a potent antioxidant. Blueberries are said
to help with memory loss and they contain flavonoids which can help
eradicate dangerous free radicals which can cause damage to cell walls
and DNA. They also contain anthocyanosides which are beneficial in the
prevention of all types of cancer. Blueberry extracts have also been
reported to have anti-inflammatory characteristics and help prevent
contagious bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder, urethra
and gut. Impressive.
Acai Berries
Acai Berries are an antioxident fruit that can help combat premature aging
This exotic berry from Amazon was named by
nutritionist Nicholas Perricone as one of the greatest foods in the
world. They are packed full of antioxidants which can help combat
premature aging and contain something called monounsaturated oleic acid,
which helps omega-3 fish oils penetrate the cell membrane. There’s also
amino acids and essential fatty acids, to help promote cardiovascular
and digestive health.
Goji Berries
Chinese Goji Berries contain all 18 amino acids.
Also known as wolfberries, this Himalayan fruit
contains all 18 amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen) as well
as huge amounts of vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. Gram for gram
they are packed with more iron than steak and spinach, and more beta
carotene and vitamin C than carrots and oranges, respectively.
Adzuki Beans
Typically used in Japanese cooking adzuki beans are a good source of carbohydrates
All types of beans (kidney, chickpeas, soybeans, dried
peas and lentils) are low in fat and have anti-ageing properties but
these small red beans have one of the highest antioxidant ratings among
superfoods. Typically used in Japanese cooking adzuki beans are a good
source of carbohydrates, folate, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron,
manganese and zinc.
Tomatoes are a powerful antioxidant
Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and it’s this that
gives tomatoes their superfood status. Lycopene is what gives them
their red colour it helps absorb the damaging free radicals that can
harm our cells. Tomatoes are packed full of vitamins including vitamins
A, C and E and contain potassium and other mineral salts. Not only does
their high water content make them refreshing, but they’re low in
calories too. It is thought tomatoes help ward against prostate breast
cancers and stomach cancers as well as age-related macular degeneration.
Quinoa is part of the spinach family and
contains eight essential proteins. The best alternative to rice and
pasta for low-carb junkies.
Quinoa (pronounced ‘Keen-wah’) is known as a super
grain, but it is closely related to spinach. It is gluten-free, high in
amino acids, protein, vitamin B6, B1, B2, B3, and potassium. Plus it is a
great source of copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, and folate. Quinoa is
also a source of calcium, so useful for vegans and those who are lactose
intolerant. It is considered a complete protein because it contains all
eight of the essential amino acids we need for tissue development and
contains almost twice as much fibre as most other grains.
Broccoli is thought to boost your immune system.
Packed with folic acid, vitamin C and carotenoids (the
colourful plant pigments some of which the body can turn into vitamin
A), broccoli is thought to boost your immune system, protect your cells
from being damaged by free radicals and improve reproductive health.
Broccoli also contains beta carotene, energy producing vitamins B3 and
B5, potassium and chromium , which help regulate blood sugar and
cholesterol levels.
Oily Fish
Herrings is an oily fish, oily fish provide essential fats the body needs for everyday optimum function
The Food Standards Agency recommends one portion a
week so add salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards,
kippers and fresh tuna (not canned) to your shopping list. Oily fish is
important because it’s rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are especially
useful in warding off heart disease. Most oily fish contains protein,
zinc, selenium, vitamins A and D, and some B vitamins. Omega 3-rich
seafood might help slow down macular degeneration (a common cause of
age-related blindness), protect against the build up of cholesterol on
the artery walls which can cause heart damage, and help reduce the
impact of arthritis.