Simple Program for Strength Training
You can improve your physical power and muscle mass without much equipment or without going to a gym. Sometimes a gym studio or advanced training equipment will not be available either or you do not have the time to go to a training locale. Here is a simple program for building of muscle mass where you only use a couple of manuals, a chair and a mat to lay on the floor.
Stand upright with your arms hanging down and a manual in each hand. Then flex up your underarms in front of you while your upper arms are held tight along your body 8-15 times.
Stand upright with your arms hanging down and a manual in each hand. Swing up your straight arms to each side 8-15 times.
Stand upright with your arms hanging down and a manual in each hand. Bend forwards as far as you can comfortably. Then lift your straight arms to each side backwards 8-15 times.
Sit on a mat on the floor with your legs flexed up towards your stomach and your arms straight down at each side, and your palms towards the mat. Lift up your whole body 8-15 times some way above the mat by pushing down at the mat, while holding your feet flexed up against your belly.
Stand upright. Then crouch down 8-15 times. To make the exercise heavier, you can also hold a manual in each hand or carry a backpack. If you are strong you can crouch down with one leg with the other leg lifted up, while holding an arm at some firm point to keep balance, and then shift to the other leg and do the same.
Lie straight on your back over a mat on the floor. Push 8-15 time with your heels towards the ground so that all of your body from your shoulders to your heels is lifted up and makes a bow. If you are strong you can lift one leg up and cross it over the other leg, and then push your body up with that other leg, and then shift to do the same with the first leg.
Lie straight on your back over a mat on the floor, with your legs flexed up, bent in a 90 degree angle and your heels placed on the front of a chair seat. Then push 8-15 times down with your heels so that you lift most of your body up from the ground. If you are strong you can lift one leg up and hold it straight over the chair seat, and then push your body up with the other leg, and then shift to do the same with the first leg.
Tighten your buttock muscles as hard as you can 15-25 times while standing. This is a very simple, but highly effective exercise for your buttocks.
Lie straight on your back at a mat on the floor. Push your back head firmly down against the mat so that you lift up your upper body, then lower your upper body down again and flex your upper body up forward using your belly muscles, while your lower body always has contact with the mat. Do it 8-15 times. For comfort you can use some extra cloth under your head during this exercise.
Stand straight up with a manual in each hand. Bend forward and down and then up again 10-15 times, while you let your arms and hands holding the manuals hang passively down all the time.
Lie straight at your back at a mat on the floor and your arms along you body. Lift up your straight legs some way above the floor 10-20 times.
You should do these exercises or other strength training exercises at least each second day.
The whole of this series should be repeated at least 3 times, with increasing effort each time, so that the first time serves to warm up your muscles. You can of course do the exercises in another order too, if that fits you better.
After the exercises you should also take some time to stretch out your body in all directions.