
Showing posts from August, 2015

Simple Program for Strength Training

You can improve your physical power and muscle mass without much equipment or without going to a gym. Sometimes a gym studio or advanced training equipment will not be available either or you do not have the time to go to a training locale. Here is a simple program for building of muscle mass where you only use a couple of manuals, a chair and a mat to lay on the floor.

Why Eating Late at Night May Be a Threat to Your Brain

Experts studying our body's internal clock have discovered eating at the "wrong time" of the day, especially munching when you should normally be sleeping, may disrupt learning and memory.  It's something to think about for anyone who likes late-night snacking — and another possible health concern for the 15 million Americans who do shift work.

Childhood Obesity How Do We Fight

Obesity is one of the fastest growing diseases to affect children today. Being an overweight child can contribute to many other health issues. The American Academy of Pediatrics has determined that there is a high probability that an overweight child will become an overweight adult. It is the job of our local communities and national organizations to educate and prevent future health problems stemming from Obesity from occurring.