
Showing posts from October, 2014

Tips To Keeping Fit After Child Birth

In recent years, countless numbers of women have taken to social networks to document the stages of their pregnancy from ultrasound beginnings to post baby-bump shrinkage. At the touch of a screen mommies-to-be and women in contemplation of starting a family can view how quickly some celebrities seem to get back to the bodies they sported before pregnancy.  Celebrities also play a role. Even more recently, celebrities seem to have a quick “bounce back”  time frame. For many this seems like a daunting task, leaving them to question how soon is too soon to shed the baby weight?

Low Sperm count: The Herbal Approach

According to the Mayo Clinic website, Low sperm count is a health condition in which the semen you ejaculate upon orgasm contains fewer than 20 million sperm per milliliter of the excreted fluid. Although some men with a low count can still produce children, low sperm count is a contributing factor in the inability to fertilize a woman's egg. You can help increase your low sperm count, however, by initiating herbal treatment, the Mayo Clinic says. Always talk to a doctor before taking herbs for any condition.

Roasted Meat As A Cause of CANCER

Many People see CANCER as death sentence.Although experts have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause or causes of cancer, some believe that diet could be playing a very important role in cancer formation.